Thursday, August 4, 2011

Whose sleeves? #2

Perhaps because I am always there on some other mission, I have been quite taken aback/arrested by several of the exhibitions hosted in The Gallery at the City Library. The latest (which is now over, of course) was The Structure in the Falling by Naomi Schwartz. These were ink and card collages - odd, awkward arrangements of shape and pattern - cut-out pieces arranged and layered, like pieces of fruit in a bowl or logs of wood for a fire. I have to say there was something kind of crappy about them, and something very great. I was jealous.


Imagine the pleasure of sitting cross-legged with your painted pieces. The options are infinite, their final placement will seem more or less arbitrary (or of no consequence to anyone but you) and yet there's an intensity about finding the 'right' order, as though the cosmos depends upon (an accurate reflection of) it(self).

Whose sleeves? #1

Thanks to those other missions, I unfortunately didn't have time to find the Tangled Drawings.

Tangled drawing #3 (All images above from Naomi Schwartz's website).

Since having all that lodged in my brain, I've seen several more pieces of work that seem to share their wonky geometry.

Epilogue (2011) by Brian Spier, whose work was seen at The Design Files.

Antinomy (2011) by Brian Spier for Simultaneous Paintings, showing until August 20 at Sarah Scout. Photographs from Brian Spier's website.

Collages by Emily Green for Polygramatic at enCOUNTER at Craft Vic; I think I've also admired Emily's work at Craft Hatch. Photograph by Kim Brockett.

And my earrings - I made these with reflective card and fat texta for a party a while back. They are large, and were a bit of a hit. I broke one the other night though, while rushing... (Always some other mission).

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