Thursday, June 23, 2011

The day we went to Vienna.

There are many beautiful and marvellous and fantastic pieces to see in the exhibition but in total it left me a bit cold - something staid and 'managed' about the arrangements seems to make it a quaint assembly, rather than the hopeful collective outburst that it was (in its day).

The disparity between the works - both in style and scale, and simply as objects - is difficult to handle perhaps. It is quite possible that, in a couple of the rooms, I was capable of taking in little more than what it was that I was seeing as I walked by each thing - that is a poster, that is a chair, that is a model, that is a drawing, that is a glass, that is a skirt, that is a bust, that is a painting. And beside the numerous great but frankly cumbersome chests and tables (never mind the giant posters that bedeck the NGV's outside walls), some of the exhibition's most provocative works are small, and seem almost wishy-washy.

I will have to go back I will have to go back.

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